Consumer Information

The REA have developed two important guides to ensure buyers and sellers of residential property are provided with essential and accurate information about the buying and selling process. The Residential Property Agency Agreement Guide and The Residential Property Sale and Purchase Agreement Guide are available here.

Our office and salespeople are all licensed under the Real Estate Act 2008, and operate under the REA Code of Professional Conduct and Client Care. You can download and read the full code from the Real Estate Authority website:

Download REA code of professional conduct and client care here.

We welcome your feedback, whether it’s offering a suggestion or observation, or expressing satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the service you have received from any of our salespeople. 

Our Complaints Procedure

Should any complaints arise, we will take them very seriously. We have a clear process that we follow. 
If you have a complaint, please first contact our Licensee Michael Healy to discuss.

phone: 029 406 1289

You can place your feedback in writing using this form and forward this to our licensee.

Complaints Form

You can give your feedback directly to any of our staff, or forward it to our office or to the address, fax number or email below.

You can also contact the Real Estate Authority (REA) directly at any time in respect of a complaint. However, we encourage you to first contact us to find out how we can help. Details of the REA’s complaints process and their contact details can be found on the REA website
